
The weather forecast says the typhoon is likely to accelerate and approach the coast.

"It's sill up in the air whether the game will be called off or not." "So what! It makes no difference to me."
"It's foggy, isn't it?" "It sure is. But chances are it'll clear up later on."


人類によって生み出された「人工元素」は何種類あるか…「驚きの生成方法」と「意外な目的」(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 素粒子原子核研究所@ブルーバックス)

For the most part, modernization is identified with westernization.
Urban culture appears to be attractive to many people, in particular to younger people.


下弦の月 (弓張月)

The active  volcano erupts at regular intervals.
The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific.
The geographical features here are similar to those of our prefecture.


もはや魔法では…この宇宙を支配する「4つの力」が秘めた「不思議すぎる性質」(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 素粒子原子核研究所@ブルーバックス)


Wheat accounts for approximately two-thirds of agricultural production in the area.

Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest.
A humid climate is characteristic of the peninsula.


空から降ってくる「地球外物質X」…素粒子とはいったい何者なのか(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 素粒子原子核研究所@ブルーバックス)


The committee called on all nation to work side by side to curb air pollution.

A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers.
The ecologist has warned us time and again that petroleum is not only a blessing but also a curse.



「原子」と「元素」は何が違うんだっけ…?大人も意外と知らない「決定的な違い」(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 素粒子原子核研究所@ブルーバックス)

The continent is abundant in fossil fuels.
The region is relatively rich in mineral resources.