結局ハイデガーは『存在と時間』で何が言いたかったのか 哲学者がこっそり教えます(轟 孝夫@現代ビジネス)
Japanese politician brings baby to assembly sparking debate(BBC NEWS)
Baby banned from Japanese municipal assembly(REUTERS)
A Japanese politician took her baby to work. Male colleagues made a fuss.(The Washington Post)
Japanese politicians force colleague with baby to leave chamber(the guardian)
Japanese politician barred from bringing baby to council session(NZ Herald)
Japanese Lawmaker's Baby Gets Booted From The Floor(NPR)
専門家に騙されないためにやるべきこと/take on(対決する)(TEDで学ぶLive English ロッシェル・カップ@ニューズウィーク日本版)
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