佐川氏証人喚問で露呈した「小学生レベルの道徳性」 あの情けない姿を心理学的に見ると…(原田 隆之@現代ビジネス)
官僚が優秀って神話を解体しないと、日本はこの惨状から復活できないんだろうなぁ。誰か神話解体して下さい。Why the Email Confirmation Field Must Die(UX Movement)
Many users tend to copy and paste their email field input into the confirmation field. This defeats the purpose of the confirmation field because users can end up pasting an incorrect email. The confirmation field does nothing to prevent them from mistyping their email.
One research study discovered that “60% of the test subjects consistently copy/pasted their e-mail when they retyped it in a confirmation field”. Users copy and paste their email often because retyping it is too much work. The users also didn’t believe that they would mistype their email but were surprised when they did.
The email confirmation field does not solve the incorrect submission problem. Not only that, but it forces users to do more work than they’d rather do. Users can end up making typing errors in both fields. This will cause them to spend more time correcting their input which can frustrate them.
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