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3 件のコメント:

太眉同盟 さんのコメント...


太眉同盟 さんのコメント...

Will Ripley

The mayor of Osaka, Japan's third-largest city, is facing a public backlash after he suggested men are better suited to grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic, because women take too long and contribute to overcrowding at supermarkets.

Yep, he really said that.

Will Ripley

"Women take a longer time grocery shopping because they browse through different products and weigh out which option is best," Mayor Ichiro Matsui said. “Men quickly grab what they're told to buy so they won't linger at the supermarket -- that avoids close contact with others.”

Will Ripley

Women account for 51% of the Japanese population, according to World Bank data. But Japan is ranked 110th out of 149 countries in the World Economic Forum's index measuring the degree of gender equality.

太眉同盟 さんのコメント...

Osaka mayor draws criticism after saying women are slow shoppers

TOKYO (Reuters) - The mayor of the western Japanese city Osaka came under fire on social media on Friday after saying women take longer than men shopping for groceries as he tried to promote social distancing to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the city.