トランプvs.ツイッターの争いが問う「ソーシャルメディアの本質」 無責任な「配信業者」に過ぎないのか(小林 雅一@現代ビジネス)
アフターコロナの「新しい生活」が私たちの心にもたらした変化 「本当に大切なもの」への気づき(星野 概念@FRaU)
安倍政権の第2次補正予算、「まだまだ全然足りない」と言えるワケ 財政投融資を活用せよ(加谷 珪一@現代ビジネス)
「細菌なんて下等な生物だ」という思い込みが「大きな間違い」な理由 目に見えない「多様性」を考える(更科 功@ブルーバックス)
自殺者が後を絶たない…リアリティーショーは「現代の剣闘士試合」か あまりに残酷な「感情労働」(斎藤 環@現代ビジネス)
1 件のコメント:
Antifa: Trump says group will be designated 'terrorist organisation'
What is Antifa?
Antifa - short for anti-fascist action - is a protest movement that strongly opposes neo-Nazis, fascism, white supremacists and racism. It is considered to be a loosely organised group of activists with no leaders.
Most members oppose all forms of racism and sexism, and strongly oppose what they see as the nationalist, anti-immigration and anti-Muslim policies that Mr Trump has enacted.
Left-wing militants on the rise
Seven things you need to know about Antifa
Anti-government and anti-capitalist, Antifa's members are often perceived as more closely aligned with anarchists than the mainstream left.
The movement gained new prominence in the US for its role in confronting white supremacists at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.
President Trump drew widespread criticism when he said there was violence on "many sides" in Charlottesville and initially neglected to explicitly censure the white supremacists who organised the rally.