
'personal choice'


2 件のコメント:

太眉同盟 さんのコメント...

Face masks will be a 'personal choice' in England, says UK minister

・・・The government's new Health Secretary Sajid Javid has signaled he would like to ease coronavirus restrictions.
"We are on track for July 19 and we have to be honest with people about the fact that we cannot eliminate Covid," Javid wrote in an article for the Mail on Sunday newspaper this weekend.
"We also need to be clear that cases are going to rise significantly. I know many people will be cautious about the easing of restrictions -- that's completely understandable. But no date we choose will ever come without risk, so we have to take a broad and balanced view. We are going to have to learn to accept the existence of Covid and find ways to cope with it -- just as we already do with flu."

太眉同盟 さんのコメント...


#新型コロナワクチン の接種が原因で、新型コロナウイルスに感染することはありません。ファイザー社および武田/モデルナ社のワクチンは、ウイルスの表面にある「スパイクタンパク質」のみの遺伝情報を用いたものであり、ウイルス全体の遺伝情報は含まれていません。