"Don't beat around the bush! What am I supposed to do?" "Just wait and see. Time will tell."
Please hand in your assignment via e-mail via no later than 5:00 PM on 10th June.
牛角が「女性半額セール」で大炎上…「男性差別じゃない」「非モテの僻み」と言い張る人たちの「お粗末すぎる擁護論」(御田寺 圭@現代ビジネス)
Joe is anything but diligent. That's why he flunked math again.
His thesis doesn't make sense. To begin with, Its theme is obscure.
1 件のコメント:
【マジやめて】セブンイレブンから毎日苦情がくるラーメン屋が苦悩 / 解決法は? 店主「未熟な私にご教授ください」