"Hi, Jane. What's up?" "Not much. How about you?" "I got married to Jennifer." "Wow! Congratulations!"
Whenever you're in trouble or feeling down, I'll be there for you.
一度覚えたら絶対に忘れない…「20%引き」と「20%増量」、どちらがオトクか一瞬で分かる方法(永田 耕作@現代ビジネス)
俺は絶対に「哲学」という言葉は使わない…東洋のルソーが「理学」にこだわり続けた「深すぎるの理由」(藤田 正勝@現代新書)
天才の「逆転の発想」で世界はひっくりかえった…「未開人」の思考法が最高だと言える「驚きの理由」(奥野 克巳@現代新書)
"Delight" is the opposite of "sorrow."
"Jennifer went so far as to call me an idiot and she wouldn't take it back." "Serves you right! You provoked her, didn't you?"
1 件のコメント:
“色恋営業”禁止 風営法改正案 来年の国会に提出へ 警察庁